Thursday 26 May 2016

Drive SSD1306 OLED with I2C on ESP8266 Wemos D1 mini

Bought some cheap and very small 128x64 OLEDs

They were initially in SPI Mode. For I2C some soldering has to be done: Move resistor R3 to R1 and bridge R8.

Two IO Pins are sufficient, if Res Pin goes with 100nF to ground and with 10k Resistor to 3.3V.

DC, CS are on ground.
With Micropython on a Wemos d1 mini:

There is only one small font usable in micropython so I used the very good Adafruit_SSD1306 lib:

Sunday 15 May 2016

Programmieren von Attiny2313 mit minipro

avr-objcopy --gap-fill 0xFF --pad-to 2048 -I ihex -O binary HelloWorld.hex HelloWorld.bin
minipro -w HelloWorld.bin -c code -p ATTINY2313